Thank you Mark Twain and your quote absolutely applies to building a custom home! Most individuals, including myself at times, have difficultly visualizing new construction from conception to reality.
Consider this scenario:
You meet the developer to walk the lot, where the existing home may not even be removed yet, and the developer begins pointing right, left, up, down, forwards and backwards all while using terms that you swear are not English. Then the developer begins pointing at things in the sky as they describe how amazing the home is going to look and all you can see is a light blue sky with some birds flying by and maybe some tress in the background. You are completely lost, skeptical, nervous, terrified and not overly comfortable anymore with forking over the sizeable deposit that is necessary to build your dream home that you are now visualizing as a glorified floating nest with birds as neighbors.
Fortunately, technology is now here to help you visualize the result and help you feel confident in your decision to build the dream home you have always wanted! Below is an example of that technology. Please note the example was put together by myself who has practically zero computer skill. Basically, this would look a lot better had it been completed by a technologically savvy individual! Our goal below is to start the conversation with someone that would have otherwise overlooked the new homes offered by our client because of not being able to imagine how the new homes will look with the existing homes still erect.
With that said, we present current before and potential after pictures of the incredible newly proposed development at Ballas and Ladue by our developer client UIC! Enjoy
105 N New Ballas
157 N New Ballas